The Arena will follow and be in accordance with mandates issued by Kansas City, MO.  At this time, masks are not required while inside Hy-Vee Arena.

Our efforts remain to be an affective community participant and a positive source of health, wellness, and perseverance. Stay Safe and remember to Be Kind.

Business Hours

      Monday – Sunday   7:00 am – 10:00 pm

Guidelines for Entering, Checking-In & Exiting

We are taking steps to reduce contact between staff and guests entering Hy-Vee Arena. If you are visiting a business at Hy-Vee Arena, please be aware:

  • Our East Entrance is the main entrance for all patrons.
  • Visitors are required to check-in at Guest Services and receive a visitor’s badge. When departing, the visitor will return to Guest Services and return their visitor’s badge.
  • Top of the Line Barbershop and Arena Alive Fitness Members may use the Northwest doors. These doors will be locked, and you will need to be in communication to gain entrance.


Arena Alive Fitness at Hy-Vee Arena remains open in accordance with Kansas City, Missouri guidelines. We are thrilled to have our treasured members back to continue their health and fitness journeys.

Fitness Center Hours

  Monday – Sunday   7:00 am – 8:00 pm.

Guidelines for Members Entering, Checking-In & Exiting Arena Alive Fitness

  • Park in North Parking lot, Enter in Northwest doors.
  • Proceed inside fitness center and check in as a member of Hy-Vee Arena and Arena Alive Fitness.

Fitness Center Safety Procedures

We at Arena Alive Fitness and Hy-Vee Arena are committed to adapting and changing to best serve our members and keep them safe. Please continue to check our website for latest information.

  • Most importantly, please don’t come to the fitness center if you’ve been diagnosed with coronavirus, you’ve been in close proximity to someone who has recently had the coronavirus, if you’re feeling sick, you have a fever, you have a cough or you’re experiencing general difficulty breathing.
  • Please maintain good hygiene and continue to wash your hands frequently. We will have hand sanitizer, hospital grade gym wipes and disinfectant spray bottles (just like normal, but more plentiful) available for use throughout the fitness center. We encourage you to also bring your own bottle of hand sanitizer with you.
  • As always, proper gym etiquette is expected. We ask that you remember to wipe down all fitness equipment after use (feel free to wipe it down prior to use as well). Our team will also be disinfecting all equipment and flooring as well. No outside equipment will be allowed in the fitness center.
  • Face masks or face coverings are optional in the Fitness Center at this time. Staff may wear masks. If you choose to wear a face mask or covering, we understand that doing so is not easy and we ask that you do so with caution. Please bring your own masks. If you do not have one, we will have them available for purchase.
  • We are also asking that you bring a towel for sweat. Now more the ever it is important that we continue to wipe our sweat off and not let it contaminate things and people around us.
  • In addition, there will be distinct 10ft x 10ft areas where you can perform your workout if you are not using machines. We ask that you take the equipment you’ll need for your workout into your area and remain there until you are finished. Then you can wipe down what you used and put it away. Again, staff will be there to assist or if you have questions.
  • The lockers in the fitness center will be available for use as normal. We are requesting that you refrain from bringing in more personal items than necessary. Bathroom access, locker rooms and showers will also be available.

For your Safety

Any visitor showing signs of illness including a fever and/or cough may be asked to leave the facility immediately.

Everyone should be practicing good health hygiene. Here are some tips to help make sure we all stay healthy:

  • If you’re feeling even slightly under the weather or you’re running a fever, please stay home,
  • Wash your hands after using the restroom and before eating for AT LEAST 20 seconds,
  • Avoid touching your face,
  • Sneeze or cough into your arm, not your hands,
  • Avoid shaking hands and high-fives,
  • Avoid drinking from the same cup or bottle as someone else,
  • People over 60 years old and anyone with a compromised immune system or serious, chronic medical condition (like heart disease, diabetes, or lung disease) should avoid crowds as much as possible.

More Information

For more information on COVID-19, how to minimize exposure, transmission, and local government updates, visit:

CDC Website

Kansas City, MO:

Unified Government of Kansas City, KS:

Johnson County:

Platte County:

Leavenworth County:

